Do not be afraid, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure
to give you the kingdom. — Luke 12
Today's Gospel seems like
one short saying right after another… kind of like Jesus is using Twitter. You know, Twitter... the micro-blogging
megatrend that gives users only 140 characters to post a message to anyone
following their message feed.
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Calvin Coolidge |
The patron saint of Tweeters may be U.S. President Calvin Coolidge, known for the brevity of his answers and responses. One day, after attending church, Coolidge found himself cornered by a newspaper reporter.
“What was the sermon about?” the reporter
wanted to know.
“Sin,” replied the president. “And what did the preacher have to say about sin?” the reporter pressed.
“He was against it,” said the President.
There was a woman invited to
a White House dinner who told Calvin Coolidge, “Oh, Mr. President! I’ve bet all my friends I can get you to say
more than three words!”
He replied simply, "You lose."
So, where is your heart this
morning? Verse 34 says, “Where your
treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
Jesus invites us to adopt the perspective of eternity. Practically, that means having a loose hold
on our stuff — not letting it have a firm hold on us.
Jesus talks specifically
about giving alms — financial care given directly to the poor and needy. In contemporary application, alms can show
up in varied ways:
- Maybe, we won’t be having empty bedrooms in the house. Instead, we’ll be sharing temporary housing with friends and family in need.
- Perhaps, it will be keeping a to-be-determined charity line in your budget each month and looking for ways to give out the money.
- Maybe it will be bringing in food for our bins for the needy here at Trinity.
- You could have quarterly family conversations about what you’re making and deciding together where you’re giving.
- You might hold a sale on Craigslist to decrease your possessions in support of someone else’s overdue bills.

Jesus tells us to be ready,
but, ready for what? The answer is right
there in the Gospel. “Do not be afraid, little flock, for it is your Father’s
good pleasure to give you the kingdom.” Two
weeks ago in the Gospel reading, Jesus taught his disciples to pray the Kingdom
into existence in their lives. “Thy
Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” Jesus is teaching
us here to prepare our bodies, our hearts and our lives for the Kingdom of God. Sometimes that takes a little spiritual
exercise. What would your spiritual
exercise regimen look like? It’s different
for each of us. Some folks need to spend
more time in prayer; some folks need to spend less time in prayer and get out
there and help people. Some folks need
to get a little more time alone so they can, as one saint put it, waste time
with God; other folks need to spend more time with other people hearing their
stories instead of worrying so much about their own. Finding what it takes to be ready for the
Kingdom can be different for each one of us.
The one thing that is the
same for each of us is the Kingdom of Heaven isn’t our reward at death, it is
the reign of God breaking out in our midst. Right now. This very moment. And what would this reign of God look like? Jesus says it is a reign of daily bread for
everyone, it is a Kingdom of forgiveness, and it is a empire of courage in the
face of evil.
So many people have
exchanged the certainty of material things for the certainty of what passes as
faith, but isn't. So many people are
worried because they have doubts about themselves and doubts about their faith. Let me tell you, I don’t worry about folks
who have doubts about their faith; I worry about folks are absolutely certain
about everything. You see, the opposite
of faith is not doubt; the opposite of faith is certainty. Things that are tangible and directly in front
of us are much easier to have faith in. That
includes rules and a really long to-do list type of religion, where you’re
constantly beating yourself up for not being good enough or checking off enough
things on your to-do list... or worse, beating others up.
Jesus, however, invites us
into the kind of faith Abraham had. It was not based on a to-do list, but
rather on believing in the face of doubt.
God does not coerce Abram or offer any new promises or proofs. Yet in the face of seeming impossibility,
Abram puts his whole trust in the Lord and simply believes. This single act provides a radical
understanding of faith as hope born out of the barrenness of the past.
The writer of Hebrews says in
chapter 11, the number one qualification of the folks who had faith all through
the thousands and thousands of years of our history were those who felt like
they were kind of strangers here on earth. They didn’t quite fit in. They had
doubts. So, do you have doubts? Do you sometimes feel like a stranger in this
world? Congratulations! I will tell you, you are the kind of person
God seems to be especially fond of.
Rather than getting too
comfortable with this earth and its material possessions it says that these
kind of people, “Looked forward to the city that has foundation, whose
architect and builder is God.”
Instead of worrying so much about our own future, our own material
possessions, our own doubts, we just keep moving into God’s future. And day by day, as we live with our doubts,
and serve others, and trust by faith, and keep ourselves ready — with our eyes
open to see the kingdom of God breaking out all around us — what we frequently
discover in “serving” other people, is that God comes to us through the other
and serves us. Our Gospel reading in
Luke says that, “he will come and serve them.”
Perhaps at the end of this liturgy instead of the traditional “Go in
peace to love and serve the Lord.”.
Maybe we should be saying, “Go in peace. The Lord serves you.”
Imagine for a moment what
life would be like if we were not afraid; if we were not so bound by material
things; if we truly believed the Lord serves us. We would be a different kind of people.

It makes us realize how much
fear we sometimes have in the church. We’re
sometimes far too fearful of failing at things we try. We’re sometimes too fearful of change… no, not
here at Trinity, of course… I've just heard this happens at other congregations. What if we decided to copy this IBM model, this
Gospel model of not being afraid? What
might we achieve to help the kingdom break out in Reno if we weren’t
afraid. And then, if we look at
ourselves as a church and none of our projects fail — if everything we do
succeeds — maybe all it means is we are being too cautious and we need to try
more challenging things.
Yes, the world would be
different — Reno would be different — if we could just unclench our fists a
tiny bit and let go of our fears, if we didn’t have such tight grip on our
material things, and if we truly believed that we are the beloved, and God
wants to come to us and serves us every bit as much as we want to serve God.
Abraham stood at night under
the stars, much as we do. And of all the
messages he expected to hear from God at ninety-something years of age, I doubt
it was, “Congratulations, Abraham, you’re going to have a baby!” And in the face of all his uncertainties and
doubts, Abraham smiled, and he believed,
and then maybe he and God chuckled about it a little bit together.
If, like Abraham, I can let
go just a little bit of all my certainties about what is and is not possible. If I can let go just a little bit of all the
material possessions and worries that weigh me down. Then maybe I can walk a little more lightly
on this earth. I can breathe little more
deeply and easily and take time to look up at the stars.
And if you do this too, and
we both open our hearts to others, the kingdom will truly breakout among us. And we won’t even be able to count all the
people we affect, or the good that is done, or the change in this tired old
world. There will be no way to add it up. It’d be impossible… kind of like
trying to count the stars.
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