One Priest's Thoughts About God, the Episcopal Church, Life, and Lawn Care
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
11th Annual Ecumenical Choir Festival
Over one hundred choristers gathered at Trinity Episcopal Church last Sunday for our 11th annual Ecumenical Choir Festival. The church was packed, as choirs from as far away as Quincy, California lifted their voices in praise. Each group presented an individual anthem they had prepared, and there were three incredible mass choir pieces. Our church has a long tradition of supporting ecumenical relations, and it did my heart good as I watched Episcopalians, Methodists, Roman Catholics, Lutherans, and Unitarians all joining their voices in song. For a couple hours every year, it always feels to me I am seeing Christians united in faith as it was meant to be.
This first piece is the mass choir presentation of Elijah Rock in an exciting gospel arrangement I had never heard:
The second piece is Trinity's offering of Taste and See arranged by our talented new Interim Music Director, Michael Langham:
THANKS Rick for recording ! They all sound great !! and a great way to share the afternoon - esp since I couldn't make it!